Hung Leng Kuen Kung Fu Wu Shu, Portsmouth
The Style
Hung Leng Kuen is suitable for young, mature, male, female, total beginners and those who have trained before. Under the Instruction of Dai Sifu Gung Chris Parker, 9th Duan Black Sash, Hung Leng Kuen Kung Fu/Wu Shu is a style developed by Founder and lifetime practitioner, Grand Master Sijo J.R. Dutton from several Martial Art styles, incorporating the traditional animal-based forms, Shaolin Longfist, pak mei, Chinese boxing, t'ai chi, chi kung, ba gwa / pa qua and weaponry.

Through it's teachings, Hung Leng Kuen develops health, focus, strength, flexibility, knowledge, ability, and self confidence for practical, on-the-street self defence and for those who wish to learn a traditional Martial Art.
From day one you are taught essential stretching, warm-up techniques and exercises you can work on in your own time. These prevent from harming oneself during training and, if performed regularly, increase strength, endurance and flexibility. Occasionally sessions will emphasise exercise and fitness.

Basic stances, kicks and strikes are drilled upon, with principals that apply to everyone but that wll help you develop your own "form" as an individual.

The Syllabus
The Hung Leng Kuen syllabus has been devised to help students progress in a steady and logical manner. It begins with building strong stances and honing basic techniques that will be the foundations for the understanding and ability required for subsequent forms, sets and techniques.

The Hung Leng Kuen syllabus was carefully ordered to take you through the external variety of Self-Defence which can be understood more easily and used more readily, into the more internal martial arts practices that generally take more time to understand and are just as effective when perfected, but with added benefits that include longevity, which is why Hung Leng Kuen is suitable for all ages.

The syllabus aims to improve and develop what are already your natural instincts and add to them with a wider range of techniques for every situation.

The first goal in training is to acquire a sufficient degree of skill in practical Self-Defence. This consists of first increasing awareness of surroundings and ways to avoid conflict. Then - what to do if conflict is unavoidable. i.e. "What can I do if someone tries to hit me? grab me? strangle me? rape me?" etc. When conflict is unavoidable, we act - decisively.

Some lessons focus purely on partnered Self-Defence techniques. Others focus on developing punching / hand strikes, kicking, locking (chin na) or sensitivity (trapping). Regulated sparring is also used to help you apply what you have learnt at a more realistic speed.

Self-Defence applications are the basis for all movements with the Hung Leng Kuen forms.

Hung Leng Kuen uses sparring as a tool for learning. It may sound intimidating but it should not. Sparring takes place in a controlled environment, fully padded and under the supervision of instructors.

You should never find yourself overwhelmed or allowed to leave the kwoon (training room) with the misapprehension that sparring is realistic. Sparring is a game and you will be told of it's benefits and, if used incorrectly, it's drawbacks.

Fighting spirit in Hung Leng Kuen is provided by the Black Leopard and is something that we look to cultivate in you. So, if you are the shy, retiring type, don't worry - we aim to bring you out of yourself!

Hung Leng Kuen is a Martial Art in its truest sense, we therefore combine self defence with Forms, Sets, the development of Chi Kung and Internal Power.

Emphasis is placed on making your kung fu instinctive - the practice of partnered-up self-defence and time spent perfecting kicking, striking, trapping and grappling techniques are part of our regular schedule.

Day-to-day life rarely allows us to study Martial Arts full time and most students find benefit in Hung Leng Kuen while viewing it as a "hobby". However, students must take responsibility for their personal development and commitment is vital. Attending all available lessons and working on what you are taught outside of classes will guarantee a faster progression and is necessary to be a balanced practitioner.

Attending extra-curricular seminars is advised and you can ask instructors about private tuition. To reap the ultimate benefits from Hung Leng Kuen, and to be a true Martial Artist, a deep form of dedication is needed.

By practicing regularly outside of the kwoon on all that you learn during lessons you will find it easier to pick up new skills more naturally and will inevitably advance through the grades at a steadier pace. You will receive a copy of the syllabus when you pay your first annual insurance.

Despite how busy life can be, Hung Leng Kuen students find training to be a welcome escape from life's many outside pressures once they are in the kwoon. We regularly welcome new members, so do not feel intimidated about attending for the first time.

Hung Leng Kuen Kung Fu covers:
• Traditional forms
• Practical self-defence applications
• Long and short range kicks & strikes
• Trapping, grappling, trips & throws, rolls & breakfalls
• Flexibility, strength and endurance exercises
• Light-, Semi- and Full-contact sparring
• Short, medium and long range weaponry
• Chi cultivation
• Development of Fa Jing

After perusing this web site, if you have any preliminary questions, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions page or Contact us.
The 8 Animals of Hung Leng Kuen
A word on the definitions of Kung Fu & Wu Shu.

The Chinese term Wu Shu originated around 500 A.D. and translates roughtly as Martial Skill. It refers to an individuals' fighting technique. The term Wu Yi translates as Martial Art but with more of a reference to the stategies of battling armies. However, Wu Shu became more commonly used. This, therefore, is the definition of Traditional Wu Shu.

It was in the 1960's and 70's that the definition of Chinese Martial Arts became altered by the Chinese government and athletic committees, with the definition of Wu Shu coming to refer to a display art, emphasising beauty and somewhat ignoring martial application. This is Contemporary or Modern Wu Shu.

Therefore, when speaking of Wu Shu, one should make the distinction between Traditional and Contemporary Wu Shu. Hung Leng Kuen practitioners study Traditional Wu Shu as serious Self-Defence application is the fundamental focus of our forms.

Fu is difficult to translate precisely into English, but refers to a length of time. Kung (pronounced Gong), again roughly, means work. Together they come to mean something like "great achievement through hard work" or "work person of merit". Therefore, Kung Fu could refer to any form of artistic, manual or achedemic study to which one has given a lot of time in order to become an expert.

It is in Western society that Kung Fu is believed to purely refer to martial arts, but this is a mistaken belief. However, it is because this is the common interpretation that we, and many other styles, are referred to as Kung Fu styles, although we also make the distinction the Hung Leng Kuen is a Traditional Wu Shu.

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